A lightweight (8Kb minified, 2.9Kb gzipped) script to let users share their text selections to social networks, in desktop browsers. (Yes, like Medium)
Start using with 1 line of code
No dependencies at all
Tiny and comprehensive API
Customize to your brand
This whole site is a demo (if you didn't already tried), but here you can test and look at the code.
npm install sharect
The complete API is composed by 3 methods:
Optional. Configure the core library. Expects an object as argument with any of the following options.
Property | Default | Type | Description |
twitter |
true |
boolean |
If Twitter should be shown in tooltip |
facebook |
true |
boolean |
If Facebook should be shown in tooltip |
twitterUsername |
"" |
string |
The username that should be cited when shared. Ex: estevanmaito |
backgroundColor |
#333333 |
string |
The background color of the tooltip. Can be any valid CSS color name |
iconColor |
string |
The color of the icons in the tooltip. Can be any valid CSS color name |
selectableElements |
['body'] |
array |
Define the elements that ca be selected, including it's
It expects a valid selector string like
['p', '.article', '#main']
twitterUsername: 'estevanmaito',
backgroundColor: '#C53364'
DISCLAIMER: If you don't plan to share on any social media other than
Facebook and Twitter (covered by the
method above)
you can safely ignore this method.
Optional. Extends the core social buttons. Expects an
array of object(s) as argument containing an
and a
must be a string
containing a monochromatic 24x24px SVG.
must be a string
containing the sharing URL (a list of options can be found
in this project
). Note that
required placeholders that will be replaced by the library.
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 478.165 478.165"><path d="M478.165 232.946c0 128.567-105.057 232.966-234.679 232.966-41.102 0-79.814-10.599-113.445-28.969L0 478.165l42.437-125.04c-21.438-35.065-33.77-76.207-33.77-120.159C8.667 104.34 113.763 0 243.485 0c129.623 0 234.68 104.34 234.68 232.946zM243.485 37.098c-108.802 0-197.422 87.803-197.422 195.868 0 42.915 13.986 82.603 37.576 114.879l-24.586 72.542 75.849-23.968c31.121 20.481 68.457 32.296 108.583 32.296 108.723 0 197.323-87.843 197.323-195.908 0-107.886-88.6-195.709-197.323-195.709zM361.931 286.62c-1.395-2.331-5.22-3.746-10.898-6.814-5.917-2.849-34.089-16.497-39.508-18.37-5.16-1.913-8.986-2.849-12.811 2.829-4.005 5.638-14.903 18.629-18.23 22.354-3.546 3.785-6.854 4.264-12.552 1.435-5.618-2.809-24.267-8.866-46.203-28.391-17.055-15.042-28.67-33.711-31.997-39.508-3.427-5.758-.398-8.826 2.471-11.635 2.69-2.59 5.778-6.734 8.627-10.041 2.969-3.287 3.905-5.638 5.798-9.424 1.913-3.905.936-7.192-.478-10.141-1.415-2.849-13.01-30.881-17.752-42.337-4.841-11.416-9.543-9.523-12.871-9.523-3.467 0-7.212-.478-11.117-.478-3.785 0-10.041 1.395-15.381 7.192-5.2 5.658-20.123 19.465-20.123 47.597 0 28.052 20.601 55.308 23.55 59.053 2.869 3.785 39.747 63.197 98.303 86.07 58.476 22.872 58.476 15.321 69.115 14.365 10.38-.956 34.069-13.867 38.811-27.096 4.66-13.45 4.66-24.766 3.246-27.137z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=TEXT_SELECTION%20PAGE_URL'
Required. Initialize the library.
You can find a list of social share options in this project , and below are some common social networks so you can save time or use it as reference.
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 478.165 478.165"><path d="M478.165 232.946c0 128.567-105.057 232.966-234.679 232.966-41.102 0-79.814-10.599-113.445-28.969L0 478.165l42.437-125.04c-21.438-35.065-33.77-76.207-33.77-120.159C8.667 104.34 113.763 0 243.485 0c129.623 0 234.68 104.34 234.68 232.946zM243.485 37.098c-108.802 0-197.422 87.803-197.422 195.868 0 42.915 13.986 82.603 37.576 114.879l-24.586 72.542 75.849-23.968c31.121 20.481 68.457 32.296 108.583 32.296 108.723 0 197.323-87.843 197.323-195.908 0-107.886-88.6-195.709-197.323-195.709zM361.931 286.62c-1.395-2.331-5.22-3.746-10.898-6.814-5.917-2.849-34.089-16.497-39.508-18.37-5.16-1.913-8.986-2.849-12.811 2.829-4.005 5.638-14.903 18.629-18.23 22.354-3.546 3.785-6.854 4.264-12.552 1.435-5.618-2.809-24.267-8.866-46.203-28.391-17.055-15.042-28.67-33.711-31.997-39.508-3.427-5.758-.398-8.826 2.471-11.635 2.69-2.59 5.778-6.734 8.627-10.041 2.969-3.287 3.905-5.638 5.798-9.424 1.913-3.905.936-7.192-.478-10.141-1.415-2.849-13.01-30.881-17.752-42.337-4.841-11.416-9.543-9.523-12.871-9.523-3.467 0-7.212-.478-11.117-.478-3.785 0-10.041 1.395-15.381 7.192-5.2 5.658-20.123 19.465-20.123 47.597 0 28.052 20.601 55.308 23.55 59.053 2.869 3.785 39.747 63.197 98.303 86.07 58.476 22.872 58.476 15.321 69.115 14.365 10.38-.956 34.069-13.867 38.811-27.096 4.66-13.45 4.66-24.766 3.246-27.137z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=TEXT_SELECTION%20PAGE_URL'
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24"><path d="M133.333 300c0 18.41 14.924 33.333 33.333 33.333S200 318.41 200 300s-14.924-33.333-33.333-33.333S133.333 281.59 133.333 300zm200 0c0 18.41 14.924 33.333 33.333 33.333S400 318.41 400 300s-14.924-33.333-33.333-33.333S333.333 281.59 333.333 300zm1.621 71.238c8.585-6.763 21.029-5.288 27.796 3.298 6.765 8.587 5.287 21.03-3.3 27.796-23.905 18.832-60.324 31.001-92.783 31.001s-68.879-12.169-92.783-31.001c-8.586-6.766-10.062-19.209-3.298-27.796 6.765-8.584 19.209-10.061 27.794-3.298 13.762 10.843 41.001 22.512 68.287 22.512s54.524-11.669 68.287-22.512zm198.379-137.905c0-36.819-29.849-66.667-66.667-66.667-25.06 0-46.871 13.839-58.256 34.282-34.268-18.747-76.019-30.857-121.501-33.65l39.782-89.336 76.142 21.979c6.852 19.449 25.376 33.393 47.166 33.393 27.614 0 50-22.386 50-50s-22.386-50-50-50c-19.042 0-35.595 10.647-44.038 26.309l-84.848-24.491c-9.49-2.739-19.551 1.938-23.567 10.964l-54.048 121.368c-44.342 3.123-85.032 15.116-118.56 33.456-11.388-20.443-33.211-34.273-58.272-34.273C29.848 166.667 0 196.515 0 233.333c0 27.246 16.355 50.653 39.777 60.991-4.203 12.514-6.444 25.575-6.444 39.009C33.333 425.381 137.8 500 266.667 500 395.532 500 500 425.381 500 333.333c0-13.434-2.239-26.491-6.44-39.003 23.42-10.339 39.773-33.75 39.773-60.997zM450 64.583c10.355 0 18.75 8.395 18.75 18.75s-8.395 18.75-18.75 18.75-18.75-8.395-18.75-18.75 8.394-18.75 18.75-18.75zM33.333 233.333c0-18.38 14.953-33.333 33.333-33.333 13.285 0 24.777 7.814 30.128 19.087-17.42 13.211-31.857 28.449-42.534 45.174-12.252-4.931-20.927-16.932-20.927-30.928zm233.334 227.084c-107.005 0-193.75-56.897-193.75-127.084 0-70.186 86.745-127.083 193.75-127.083s193.75 56.897 193.75 127.083c0 70.187-86.746 127.084-193.75 127.084zm212.406-196.156c-10.677-16.725-25.113-31.964-42.534-45.175C441.89 207.814 453.381 200 466.667 200c18.38 0 33.333 14.953 33.333 33.333 0 13.996-8.675 25.997-20.927 30.928z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://reddit.com/submit?url=PAGE_URL&title=TEXT_SELECTION'